Postscript is a series of short stories set in a nightmarish post-apocalyptic not-too-distant future. The film follows a handful of desperate survivors scattered around the globe as they endeavour to survive life-or-death struggles through harsh yet beautiful dystopian landscapes.
Postscript Credits:
A film by Mark Garvey
Directed, written, produced, cinematography, editing, sound design and visual effects by Mark Garvey
Co-produced by Jasmine Knight and Paul Woodcock
Featuring remixes of songs by Stuart O’Connor
The Machine Stops by Furta Sacra
Imperium by Kyle Booth
Bright Scenic (Reprise) by Stuart O’Connor
Production assistants: Jack Davies, Georgia Ford, Evangeline Haylim, Victoria Markham, Joe Matthews, Zack Miller, Harry Oxborrow, Bradley Page, Anna Szydlowska, Jamie Tocher, Ian Tucknott and Shannon Turner